Project 2- Vinyls

  1. In what way did you change your process to make a piece that was site-specific? I choose this spot because of its intimate setting. Not only is it seen as a safe space for women but it also has high traffic.
  2. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically in the making of this piece? If you did not feel challenged is there something you would do differently if you were to do it again? I believe that my designs were fairly simple so I challenged myself by creating three designs and concepts.
  3. Were there elements that made the completion of this piece either more difficult or felt not challenging enough? The application was difficult as I struggled with the transfer paper and then sticking it to the stall. In the future, I think cleaning the surface of the stall would help.
  4. Reflect on the critique and consider how your experience was different from the first: was the feedback you received helpful? Be specific about why or why not. I think the critique I received was helpful especially when considering my audience and expanding my message.
  5. Please share any other thoughts. N/A


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